April 26, 2013

Hospital Freebie: Enfamil Nursing Kit!

A month ago, I gave birth to my second! When I was at the hospital I received the above Enfamil Nursing Kit. (I still don't understand why it is a nursing kit because it contained formula but okay!) It contains Enfamil newborn formula, cooler bag, water bottle, molded ice pack and a coupon booklet. Inside one of those coupon booklets is a $15 rebate check on a purchase of a breast pump! Any breast pump! Awesome news for nursing moms who were not able to get a free breast pump from their insurance company.

During the first few days of my baby's life, he was given formula and breast milk. Because I wanted to pump exclusively, it was hard to pump colostrum. I asked the nurses if I could have some formula to take home because I had a C-section and the last thing I wanted to do was send my husband to the store for formula. I was given the formula and diapers with no hesitation from the nurses! I was then informed that they do not pay for formula or diapers and the companies give hospitals formula and diapers as a way to endorse their brands!

Sooo, why am I telling you this? After you give birth and you need more formula and diapers, let the nurses know! Just tell them that you just gave birth and you don't think you have enough formula or diapers to last until you are able to go to the store! Nine times out of ten, they will just give it to you because a) they do not pay for it and b) they won't bill your insurance for it!

Happy birth, guys!


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